Programmable Initialization

By default, all new simulation projects in HASH start with an init.json file for specifying the initial state. If desired, you can convert this init.json file to Python, or Javascript init.js by right-clicking on the init file and choosing your desired conversion.

Python and Javascript init files provide access to the simulation globals and data, and are useful for dynamically initializing a simulation. When using init.js or, you typically won't need to use creator agents.

Both Javascript and Python init files must contain a function called init which returns a list of agents. The init function takes a single argument called context which provides access to the simulation globals and data.

 * @param {InitContext} initialization context
const init = (context) => {
  const data =;
  const globals = context.globals();

  let avg_age = hstd.stats.mean(data["ages.json"]);
  let std_age = hstd.stats.stdev(data["ages.json"]);

  let agents = [];
  for (let i = 0; i < globals["num_agents"]; i++) {
      behaviors: ["add_one.js"],
      age: Math.floor(hstd.stats.normal.sample(avg_age, std_age)),

  return agents;


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